Results for "Turner Syndrome"

Get To Know The Causes And Complications Of Turner Syndrome

Ladies, Turner syndrome is about your genetics. It means you have something wrong with one of your X chromosomes! It'll be missing parts and not work right, or even be completely gone. But depending on what's missing, this condition is going to vary! Thankfully, you'll have one working X chromosome. You're also in luck because this is an easy diagnosis–most ladies are diagnosed when they're born! It won't go longer than early childhood without being detected.

The good news? Turner syndrome treatment tackles many of the developmental and physical issues. Ladies, growth hormone therapy for Turner syndrome is common. And when puberty needs to begin? That's where estrogen therapy for Turner syndrome comes into play! Turner syndrome specialists are key, ladies. They'll make sure all patient needs are addressed, which can change over time for you, ladies! This includes Turner syndrome complications.


Genetic Abnormalities

Ladies, you have Turner syndrome when one of your X chromosomes is compromised. You'll have a healthy one that performs the way it should, but the other one won't! The other one will have missing parts and not work normally. In fact, 50 percent of you won't even have a second X chromosome!

The abnormal genes only appear in some cells for certain ladies. So, you'll have at least a few cells with both of the X chromosomes! This is mosaic Turner syndrome. It's out there, but ladies, it needs more research so we understand it better! Doctors need the information to know which chromosomes influence your symptoms the most.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common complication here, ladies. This one begins in childhood for many ladies with Turner syndrome. However, ladies, it'll also get more likely as you get older! You have to be on top of this one. High blood pressure means you're at a higher risk of heart problems. Ladies, this even includes heart disease! This is beyond your already high risk level from Turner syndrome.

Your blood pressure is supposed to be 120/80 or a bit lower. Ladies, it's getting elevated if it's between 120 and 129 over anything lower than 80. High blood pressure is once it reaches 130/80 or higher. A very high reading is 139/89! You'll need to get this seen to right away, ladies.


Heart Problems

Remember, ladies, you're at a higher risk of heart problems with Turner syndrome! This is a big complication, and a very common one too. Many heart problems you'll already know about by now–they're present from birth! Others are complications that appear over some time. High blood pressure is what makes them much more likely. You'll be at a higher risk of other health complications thanks to heart problems as well, ladies.

Most of the heart defects you'll see with Turner syndrome are problems with the aorta. Ladies, this is what pumps blood with oxygen to the rest of your body! It won't do this if it has physical problems. Your blood can even just flow back into your heart instead! There can be problems with your heart muscles too, ladies. Make sure a doctor keeps an eye on you and your heart when you have this condition! Treatment comes fast and is better this way.

Hearing Loss

Get ready to deal with hearing loss! Ladies, Turner syndrome allows normal hearing at birth. It doesn't stay this way, though. As you age, ladies, your hearing is going to get worse. Some ladies with this condition even end up with complete deafness! Ladies, it happens for a few reasons. One? You're at a higher risk of more regular middle ear infections. Every infection makes hearing loss more likely. It's thanks to damage in the ear. You're also likely to lose nerve function in your ears, ladies. This also means hearing loss! Problems with your Eustachian tubes are also common. You'll have more ear infections and more nerve damage because of them!

Some ladies will deal with sudden hearing loss in Turner syndrome too. This means there's a growth in your ears, and this stops you from hearing! It'll come back when the growth is gone. If your hearing loss is progressive, though, you're going to need hearing aids or cochlear implants!



Ladies with Turner syndrome, up to 30 percent of you are going to end up with hypothyroidism! Your thyroid's not working right. You likely won't be using the thyroid hormone it makes the way you need to be. An autoimmune condition is also a big cause for this one. This means your immune system has attacked your thyroid! The result? It won't make enough thyroid hormone for you, which triggers hypothyroidism.

You'll be more likely to deal with this complication as you age. Ladies, make our doctor check your thyroid regularly! You'll need to keep a sharp eye out for symptoms too. They're going to include low energy, brittle hair, dry skin, constipation, and brittle nails! Replacement thyroid hormone can really help with this one, so ask about it!

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