Results for "Cancer Diet"

Foods To Avoid Because Of Kidney Cancer

Ladies, your kidneys filter your blood and get rid of waste through your pee. They're vital for your body! However, many conditions can impact them. One example? Kidney cancer. This is any form of cancer that begins in your kidneys! Adults, ladies, most often get renal cell carcinoma. Wilms' tumor is the common type in kids!

There's good news, though. Ladies, kidney cancer is often caught early! This means you'll have many kidney cancer treatment options. Surgery for kidney cancer is usually the beginning. They'll remove the tumor if they can. But remember, complete kidney removal may be needed! Radiation therapy and immunotherapy for kidney cancer are saved for advanced cases. Of course, natural remedies help you manage symptoms! The biggest thing you can do here is to avoid harmful foods and create the best diet for kidney cancer!


Fast Food

Yes, fast food tastes great! Unfortunately, ladies, it's not healthy, especially if you have kidney cancer! Fast food is very high in calories. It also contains an extremely high amount of salt! Salt is where you run into problems with your kidney cancer, ladies. The salt helps the taste of the food. However, too much makes it hard for your body to balance the fluid in it. Sodium (salt) is an electrolyte. But too much means high blood pressure. And yes, high blood pressure makes your kidney function decline faster. If you have kidney cancer, ladies, you need to keep your kidneys as healthy as possible! Avoid salty fast food and cook at home instead!

Deli Meat

Deli meat is good in sandwiches. That's why many of you, ladies, will have one at lunch at work every day! Of course, if you have kidney cancer, this isn't a good idea. You need to avoid eating deli meat as much as possible! It has a lot of salt in it. Even one slice can have over 350 milligrams of sodium! No one ever has just one slice in their sandwich either, so you'll be eating much more salt than that. Ladies, avoiding deli meat will help you prevent high blood pressure! Deli meat often has nitrates in it too, which is not healthy at all for kidney cancer patients. Eat non-processed meat instead, ladies. Roast a chicken and use it! This will also get rid of the excess fat deli meat has too.


Canned Food

Once again, salt's the reason you have to avoid eating lots of canned food! Ladies, if you check the labels, you'll see just how much sodium is in canned food. It's there to help preserve the food. This is a good thing, but not if you have kidney cancer! This is especially so if you eat more than 1 serving. Most of you will too, ladies, because one can of food can be up to 4 servings!

Cutting down on canned food is going to take time. Your tastebuds have to adjust to lower sodium! Seasoning fresh food with herbs and spices is very helpful. Of course, if you do eat canned food, go organic! This helps reduce salt in your diet. Some brands of canned food, like soup, come in low sodium versions too! This is going to help you manage your kidney cancer, ladies.

Nuts And Seeds

Ladies, you've had lots of nuts and seeds. THey're everywhere! In fact, they're a perfect snack for hiking. Since they contain a lot of protein, they'll keep you energized. You need protein for your muscles too! However, too many nuts and seeds aren't good for you if you have kidney cancer! You'll want to avoid eating too much. It's because they contain lots of phosphorous. This is another major electrolyte.

If you have kidney cancer, ladies, your body can't clear excess phosphorous from your build. This causes a buildup, which triggers joint pain and itchy skin. Neither is comfortable! You'll likely feel quite unwell overall too. Don't let this happen and avoid eating many nuts and seeds. Choose ones that are lower in phosphorous when you do!


Processed Cereals

Ladies, processed cereal has lots of phosphorus. Processed bran cereal? That usually has the most! Remember, your body can't get rid of excess phosphorous as well if you have kidney cancer. Too much of it in your blood means itchy skin and painful joints. No one wants that to happen! So if you have kidney cancer, avoid eating lots of processed cereal! Try organic cereal instead. Some stores even have fresh cereal that isn't processed much! Choosing these still means that if you're in pain or fatigued because of your condition, you have a convenient breakfast in your kitchen! Ladies, you also have to know that processed cereal is high in sugar. Cut this out and watch your kidney function improve!

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