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Tips To Banish Bad Breath Naturally

No one likes bad breath at any time of the day, though it can be particularly terrible in the morning. Not to mention, bad breath during a date or job interview can make for an unfortunate first impression! Unfortunately, just about everyone, including women, experience bouts of bad breath throughout their lives. For most, their bad breath is temporary and is due to consuming pungent foods or improper oral hygiene. Of course, it can also be the result of a chronic health issue or other more serious cause, including dry mouth, gum infections, and acid reflux.

Many women with chronic health issues turn to bad breath laser treatment as their primary mouth odor treatment. There are also other medical options for bad breath. However, countless individuals want a natural morning breath cure. Thankfully, there are many ways to banish bad breath naturally!


Brush The Teeth And Tongue

The simplest natural remedy for bad breath is for women to brush their teeth twice a day. In fact, brushing in the morning is a perfect morning breath cure! Brushing in the morning is best just after breakfast but before leaving the house. Remember to brush each section of your mouth equally, ladies! Keep the pressure even but not too firm to avoid bleeding gums. Aim for brushing two minutes each time. Many electric toothbrushes have an auto-timer for this, but playing a song for two minutes helps too. Of course, don’t forget to brush before going to sleep!

While brushing teeth is key, many forget about their tongue. Yes, ladies, your tongue is a target for bacteria that cause bad breath. This bacteria build is usually clear, but can coat the tongue in white as well. Try using the back of the toothbrush or a tongue scraper. Both are effective at brushing bacteria off the tongue. Use front to back and side to side motions to brush the whole tongue. Don’t forget to rinse with water after!

Drink Water

Dehydration is a significant cause of bad breath. This is for several reasons, including how dehydration can result in dry mouth. Dry mouth means women are not producing enough saliva, and this can encourage the growth of bacteria. Drinking lots of water and staying hydrated reduces bad breath dramatically and boosts freshness very well at the same time. Keeping the mouth moist by drinking water helps prevent the buildup of bacteria that cause bad breath. It also washes away buildup that can naturally occur throughout the day. Experts recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated.


Drink Green Tea

When it comes to banishing bad breath, drinking green tea performs two major functions. First, like water, green tea is an excellent way to stay hydrated. Though it contains some caffeine, it does not have as much as coffee. This means women can still get a caffeine boost in the morning but not have to deal with the jitters. The big benefit of drinking green tea to get rid of bad breath, however, is the antioxidant it contains. The antioxidants in green tea, called polyphenols, are incredible at freshening breath and stopping bacteria from sticking to the teeth and tongue. They can also help get rid of the bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease, both of which can worsen bad breath.

Consume Less Sugar

Although delicious, sugar doesn’t help women dealing with bad breath. Sugar can lead to increased plaque formation and worsen tooth decay. The sugar found in candy, baked goods, and other simple carbohydrates can remain on the teeth for longer than other foods. This makes them more damaging to the teeth! The acids in sugar can start damaging the enamel and teeth within two minutes. Thus, to banish bad breath, women are encouraged to consume less sugar. This means avoiding soda and fruit juice, as well as lots of baked goods, white rice, white bread, and sugary cereals. Instead, they should eat complex carbs like brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread.


Sugarless Gum

Women chew gum for countless reasons, though a common one is to freshen their breath. Of course, it’s important to choose sugarless gum because, as discussed, sugar does no one any favors when it comes to treating bad breath. Sugarless gum, though it is not a permanent cure, is a great natural way to temporarily eliminate bad breath odors. Peppermint and spearmint are the most popular choices for chewing gum for bad breath, though sugarless cinnamon gum also works. In addition to masking the odor, chewing gum regularly also boosts the production of saliva. As mentioned, this helps wash away germs that cause bad breath.

Don’t Forget About Mint

Mint can do more for banishing bad breath than just in peppermint or spearmint sugarless gum. Chewing on peppermint leaves themselves helps get rid of bad breath too! What’s more, peppermint and spearmint tea also eliminates bad breath, both due to the mint, but also because they are hydrating. Mint can also kill the bacteria that cause bad breath, especially through mint leaves, which helps keep bad breath away for longer. Some even claim peppermint oil has antimicrobial properties. These properties not only help get rid of bacteria that cause bad breath, but they also may lessen the severity of irritable bowel syndrome and reduce indigestion. Both of these conditions can trigger bad breath.


Try Some Ginger

Ginger is a powerful natural remedy for countless health conditions and simple symptoms. This includes the ability to banish bad breath naturally! Ginger improves digestion, reduces nausea, and benefits saliva, all of which help with getting rid of bad breath. When it comes to saliva, ginger increases enzymes in saliva. Specifically, it increases sulfhydryl oxidase, which breaks down compounds in the mouth that cause an unpleasant odor. It can also eliminate the aftertaste of quite a few drinks and foods, which can help with reducing bad breath as well. Nausea, especially if it triggers vomiting, can worsen bad breath. But ginger is great at not only reducing nausea, but also stopping bad breath due to vomiting in its tracks.

Avoid Foods With Strong Odors

Sometimes bad breath is down to the food someone consumes. Foods and drinks with strong smells can cause and worsen bad breath. The most common culprits are garlic and onions, but certain meats, seafood, and even spices can trigger bad breath. Avoiding foods with strong odors like these is crucial before big events like a job interview or presentation. While eliminating these foods is the best way to banish bad breath, it is also not realistic. Instead, minimizing the consumption is key, as is consuming these pungent foods alone. Consuming them alone gives women time to brush their teeth after, chew sugarless gum or mint leaves, or even drink ginger tea.


Avoid Dairy Products

In certain cases, lactose intolerance can be the cause behind bad breath. It’s worth it for women to investigate if they may have undiagnosed lactose intolerance, especially if they have other symptoms like belching, flatulence, and stomach discomfort along with their bad breath. With lactose intolerance, those affected cannot digest lactose in dairy products (e.g. in cheese and milk). A big effect of this is bad breath! When this is the cause, the only effective method of banishing bad breath long term is to eliminate the consumption of dairy products. Alternatives to traditional dairy products include almond, coconut, and soy milk, as well as almond or coconut yogurt and soy cheese.

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