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Lifestyle And Dietary Tips For ADHD And ADD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) are the most common mental disorders found in children, though they can also appear in adults. Many consider the two conditions so connected they are, in fact, the same thing. Both involve inattention, not following directions, not listening, and daydreaming. Other signs include not being able to sit still, not being able to play quietly, blurting out answers, and talking too much. Adults and kids with ADHD often struggle with impulsivity and mood swings. Disorganization is also common.

Medical treatment, such as attention deficit medications, is the most common method for those with ADHD. Clinical mental health counseling is also quite common for those with ADD. This is because it can trigger issues like anxiety and depression. However, attention deficit disorder treatment often requires more than just medicine! Attention deficiency in adults and children can be effectively treated through lifestyle and dietary choices.


Snack And Changes To Meal Sizes

While most people eat three meals daily, this puts them at risk for energy crashes. This is especially the case for adults and children dealing with ADHD. Not to mention, this risk increases if they are not making smart food choices and are not following a balanced diet. These energy crashes can occur alongside worsened ADHD symptoms. Specifically, irritability and inattention are often boosted. Once hunger hits after the crash, their ability to focus will be even more negatively impacted.

Mothers can avoid this with their children by packing their lunches with smaller snacks when they are headed to school. They can also make a point to give their kids regular snacks throughout the day and limit the portions at mealtimes. Adults with ADHD, of course, must manage this themselves and should prepare their own snacks while also reducing their meal sizes.

Drink More Water

When someone is dehydrated, their brain cannot function the way it should. This means decreased concentration and impaired judgment, both of which are magnified in those with ADHD or ADD. This means to help treat these conditions, dehydration needs to be taken off the table. Thus, drinking more water is key! A good baseline to start with is drinking eight glasses of water a day, but the exact amount can vary. Active people, including kids who play sports, may need more water when they sweat a lot. Sometimes less water is needed depending on the day. Parents should be giving their kids water regularly. Feeling thirsty is an early sign of dehydration, so this must be avoided.


Include Healthy Protein And Fats

Smaller meals aren’t the only ways to reduce energy crashes and worsening ADHD symptoms during the day. Lean sources of protein, which include nuts, seeds, eggs, and chicken, can help prevent blood sugar spikes and release energy slowly. Protein-rich food like chicken is also used to improve concentration and alertness. When it comes to breakfast, eggs on whole-wheat toast is a perfect choice. Snacks can include small portions of nuts and seed or apple slices with natural peanut butter. Chicken is perfect for dinner, and even in some lunches!

But protein isn’t the only part that can help release energy slowly and keep the body functioning well. Healthy fats, specifically omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, are crucial for this as well. Omega-3s and omega-6s help the membranes transport nutrients throughout the body. These fats are especially important in those with ADD or ADHD. This is because evidence shows those with low levels initially show the most improvement in their symptoms once they include these fats in their diet. Eggs help here as well, and other options include flaxseed, yogurt, salmon, and spinach. Adults struggling with their diet can take supplements, but the best source remains food!

Eat Whole Wheat Instead

Carbohydrates are not the enemy, even when it comes to managing ADD and ADHD. It’s all in the right kind of carbs! Those with these conditions should be eating complex carbs, which come from whole-wheat bread and pasta, as well as brown rice. Whole wheat does not cause the same energy spikes and crashes as simple carbs (e.g. white bread) do. They allow for sustained energy throughout the day, which only benefits those dealing with ADHD or ADD. Yes, even for both children and adults! This change can take some getting used to, simple carbs do taste good after all, but it can be done.


Consume Lots Of Fruits And Vegetables

Complex carbs strike again! Many don’t realize fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates as well. Good choices include apples, pears, pumpkin, oranges, and even sweet potatoes. Many kids are fond of sweet potato mash and will consume apple slices as a snack at school. But the benefits do not stop there! Berries, spinach, and many other fruits and veggies are also full of healthy minerals and vitamins. A variety of vitamins and minerals helps manage symptoms of ADD and ADHD very well. Picky children can even have more fruits and vegetables in their diets. Smoothies are an excellent way to make them eat things like spinach without actually tasting it. Adults who are picky eaters can also take advantage of this.

Avoid Refined Sugar

Natural sugars, such as what is found in fruits and vegetables, are healthy when they are consumed in moderation. The real culprit when it comes to poorly managed ADHD as it applies to sugar is refined sugar. Refined sugar is found in candy, baked goods, junk food like chips and chocolate, and even in something like white bread. It is a major trigger for big swings in energy, as the body can’t use it over extended periods. Additionally, filling up on junk food means losing out on food with high nutritional value, which can also worsen symptoms of ADHD and ADD. Finally, there may be a link between artificial coloring found in sources of refined sugar (especially candy) children with ADHD react to.


Reduce Alcohol And Caffeine

Drinks with caffeine and alcohol are both popular, but they can cause significant difficulties for adults with ADHD. Caffeine impairs sleep and can cause the jitters if someone consumes too much of it. Neither of these things helps manage ADHD. Alcohol also reduces inhibitions, which can increase struggles with impulsivity many with ADHD or ADD encounter. Parents should also note there is caffeine in many soft drinks, so not only are soft drinks harmful because of the refined sugar they contain, but the caffeine can also negatively affect their child. Energy drinks should never be given to children, even those without conditions like ADHD.

Get Organized And Manage Time Well

Sometimes those with a condition like ADHD need to put a little more effort into getting organized and managing their time well. Staying focused does come harder to these individuals after all! To-do lists help people get organized and manage their time in more ways than one. Not only does it show what needs to be done, but the lists can be broken down into smaller chunks, which makes tasks more manageable for those with attention issues.

Physical items can be put into different bins so things look less chaotic. For kids, this can be separating things they need for different school subjects into different bins. This way, when they work on homework and school projects, they don’t have to look at everything all at once. Their minds can be less cluttered if their physical space is less cluttered!

Those with ADHD or ADD should also remember it will likely take them longer than they think to complete a task. Thus, adults should give themselves extra time and parents should over-estimate the time for their kids when they say how long something should take. This helps reduce irritability if the time limit starts approaching and they are behind.


Carve Out Distraction-Free Time

Some people can work with many distractions around them and be able to ignore their surroundings. This is not the case for adults and kids with ADD or ADHD. They are much more easily distracted. Thus, carving out distraction-free time is important. Kids working on homework should be provided with a quiet space in which to do it. No one should disturb them during this time. For adults, this might mean letting family and coworkers know when they need to avoid distractions. They can go elsewhere if they want, but can also put in headphones (even without music) to tune out those around them and avoid others approaching them. Hanging up a ‘do not disturb’ sign can work as well!

Prioritize Sleep

The facts show adults and children with ADHD or ADD do not get the same amount of sleep as others their age (especially kids). This can be for several reasons, including too much caffeine or sugar, or simply being naturally wound up. Parents should make an effort to prioritize sleep with their kids. ADults with either one of these conditions should also make sleep a priority for them. Sometimes this may require a natural remedy like a melatonin supplement, even temporarily. Sufficient sleep can only benefit someone with ADHD. This is because sleep helps the body function better physically as well as mentally. A lack of sleep increases irritability, fatigue, and inattention. Not good for someone with ADD!


Try Stress Management And Meditation

Stress management is crucial for calming someone down. Stress not only interferes with ADHD and ADD directly by making people naturally more irritable, but it also interferes with sleep, promotes bad eating habits, and reduced exercise, among other things. Stress management can take many forms. It may even include other lifestyle tips for ADHD and ADD, such as prioritizing sleep.

One key to stress management, though, is meditation. Meditation can help anyone, adults and kids alike, calm their mind and body. Multiple studies have shown the benefits of meditation on several health conditions, including ADD and ADHD. It reduces anxiety, irritability, and stress. This can have a dramatic and even immediate influence on those with either of these conditions. Even a temporary reduction can work wonders and let other options for attention deficit treatment take over.

Engage In Positive Parenting

Positive parenting is a key strategy used for kids who feel different. This clearly applies to one with a condition like ADHD or ADD. Much of their frustration can be exacerbated by this fact! So instead of giving broad directions, parents should break them down into small chunks. This is just like a written to-do list! If the big task is for the child to clean their room, the first direction should be something like ‘make your bed,’ then ‘pick up your toys,’ and then ‘put your clothes in the hamper.’ Those three directions contribute to the overall task, but make it less daunting for children with ADHD.

Parents should also add one piece of praise with each ‘negative’ thing they mention. When the child is cleaning their room, parents should say something like ‘great job with your bed’ when they mention the toys as the next step. Every kid has something special about them. They should be reminded of that too!


Reduce Use Of Technology

Although technology like computer games and watching television can retain someone’s attention, it can also negatively affect them, especially if they have ADD or ADHD. Children and adults will both find too much reliance on technology results in pent-up energy, which can make other times worse for their ADHD or ADD symptoms. Thus, parents should focus on playing active games with their kids to release as much pent-up energy as possible. Adults with these conditions should make sure they get lots of physical activity too!

Getting rid of this excess energy can boost their quality of sleep at night. It also reduces the chances of inattention at other points during the day. Technology doesn’t need to be abandoned entirely, but it should not be the focus, especially for someone with ADHD.

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