Results for "Diazepan"

Learn About Diazepan (Valium)

Diazepam, ladies, is a strong benzodiazepine. You'll know it as the brand Valium! Ladies, it's a controlled substance, and you can't take it for very long. You need to make a plan with your doctor! This plan means other ways of coping with your symptoms, including long-term medications. However, don't stop this one suddenly. You need to taper off under supervision!

You will want diazepam as a short term med for muscle spasms. It's also amazing as an anxiety medication, also as a short-term solution. Diazepam is even a surprisingly effective seizure medication when paired with other epilepsy treatments. Ladies, this medication is even used in emergency detox centers! You have to know how this one works before you take it, though.


How It Works

Ladies, diazepam is a strong sedating med. It'll work much the same as other sedatives for muscle issues and anxiety. This med works by slowing down functions in your body that trigger panic. It will also lessen the activity in your brain that makes your muscles spasm!

This one also works for epilepsy. Ladies, it'll prevent your seizures by keeping the electrical activity in your brain under control. It means no more pulses will flood your brain. This med also adds more GABA to your brain. This is a calming chemical, and it's excellent for panic and anxiety! You'll feel sedated, ladies, because it reduces the strength of your emotions. Everything will be in check this way.


This med's often used for muscle spasms, anxiety, and seizures, as mentioned. Ladies, doctors even give you this one before a medical procedure if you're not getting general anesthesia! Besides calming general anxiety, ladies, this med is great for a panic attack's physical signs. It's also amazing at interrupting thought spirals, which are quite common in anxiety disorders, especially OCD! In certain cases, this med even works on the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

Ladies, this is only a temporary measure for all of these uses! You need to develop other ways to cope. Your doctor also uses your time on this short-term med to find a long-term solution that doesn't carry severe side effects.


Side Effects

There are always some side effects with meds, ladies. With diazepam, you'll only deal with mild ones if you take it right. This means a low dose only for a short period! Severe side effects mean this med's being misused. Ladies, hives and a sore throat require immediate medical attention. They mean you're having an allergic reaction to this med! It's also possible to see breathing issues on this medication. This side effect is because of the impact the med has on your brain. Ladies, keep a keen eye out for blue lips and long pauses between breaths. If others find it hard to wake you up, you'll need to be concerned too! All of these signs are medical emergencies, so get treatment for them immediately!

You will also need to talk to your doctor about drowsiness and suicidal thoughts. Mood shifts are a sever concern too, ladies! These shifts also mean increased anxiety and agitation. If you get new seizures, tell your doctor right away too! When you're older, ladies, the sedation lasts longer. It's also going to increase your fall risk, thanks to more drowsiness, muscle weakness, and coordination problems.


Ladies, you can't take this medication for long. If you do, you're going to build a tolerance. Many of you will be physically reliant on it, even without a history of addiction. This doesn't even include the risk of misuse, either! Ladies, you can only stop this with one precaution: not taking it for long.

This med gives you more GABA in your brain. The result? Your brain is going to stop producing as much. This is why you'd feel the need to keep taking it! You'll also need to have a long process of stopping this med. Your doctor helps with this. Otherwise, you will face significant withdrawal. Other major precautions are to stop drinking alcohol on this med. Your risk of breathing problems increases if you don't!


Medication Interactions

Ladies, it's time to make a list. What meds, supplements, and vitamins do you take? You need to write everything down, even OTC meds! Diazepam has lots of medication interactions attached to it. Giving a list of your current meds to your doctor is how you stop these from happening to you! Major meds that cause interactions with this one include stimulants, opioids, hydrocodone, and sodium oxybate. Some of these interactions are life-threatening, ladies! One example? Opioids and diazepam interacting mean major breathing problems. It's the same as what happens if you drink alcohol on this med.

You need to watch your herbal remedies too. Ladies, you can't take St. John's Wort when you have this medication. Valerian root, a great remedy for insomnia, isn't healthy when you're taking diazepam. But these are just some examples, your doctor will check your list for the rest!

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