Results for "Mattress Selection"

Tips To Select The Best Mattress

The average person spends a lot of time sleeping. Some say it’s even up to a third of their life! Most people, adults and children alike, get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Some get up to 10 hours! Since this is a lot of time spent in one spot, it's no wonder how a bad mattress can cause many issues. Bad mattresses cause aches and pains, reduce sleep quality, and cause overall irritation and anger.

Mattresses come in a wide variety of types. There’s a mattress that comes in a box, puffy mattresses, latex mattresses, and even hybrid mattresses. Many people even debate what is the best memory foam mattress out there! It’s even possible to order a mattress online. With all of this in mind, here are some tips to help select the best mattress.


Sleeping Position

Some people sleep on their back. Others sleep on their sides. Some sleep on their stomach, and still others change positions! A person’s sleeping position is a vital factor in selecting the best mattress. This is because mattresses are designed for different sleeping positions! They’ll provide support in different places. Someone who sleeps on their back doesn’t need the same support as someone who sleeps on their side!

Side sleeping is by far the most common sleeping position. These sleepers put extra strain on their hips and shoulders. They, then, require additional support in these areas! A thicker and softer mattress is recommended. Three inches is a good depth for the top layer. Back sleepers benefit from a thinner top layer, and stomach sleepers need the thinnest. These mattresses will also be firmer.

Mattress Firmness

A mattress's firmness or softness influences the best choice of mattress for people. This is subjective and will depend on comfort, but it matters! Softer mattresses, as mentioned, are typically preferred by those who sleep on their side. These are typically pillowtop mattresses! However, memory foam mattresses, though they are firmer than pillowtop, can greatly benefit side sleepers, as the foam forms around their body well.

It is important to note the support a mattress provides and the mattress firmness are not the same. Even soft mattresses provide support! As mentioned, personal comfort plays into what mattress is better in terms of being firm or soft. This is why testing mattresses in the store matters!


Weight And Weight Distribution

People must consider their body weight when they’re selecting a mattress. The more someone weighs, the firmer their mattress should be. This applies to weights within the average range as well as beyond it! Weight matters because it will put pressure on different parts of the body when people are asleep. It also influences the way they sleep!

How the person’s weight is distributed also influences the type of mattress that will support their body best and be the most comfortable. Heavier people, especially those where their weight is primarily in their shoulders or waist, typically need a firmer mattress. Those whose weight is evenly distributed and who are quite light often find softer mattresses are better for their needs.

Consider Aches And Pains

People who deal with aches and pains in their body must consider these if they want to select the best mattress. They need a mattress that will provide additional support for the spine to keep it aligned properly. Softer areas of the mattress should be located where they experience pain, as this lessens the pressure point! For instance, hip pain will need a softer part lower in the mattress.

Reducing the pressure and providing the support to alleviate aches and pains allows people to get good quality sleep on their mattress. Many find memory foam mattresses are best for aches and pains, since these mattresses form to the individual. Others don’t, which means even when the support is in the needed area, it may not be hitting the exact spot!


Mattress Features

Besides the factors already discussed, considering additional mattress features also helps people select the best mattress. Rotating mattresses every few months helps extend the life of the mattress. This is done because it wears the mattress more evenly! Thus, someone who may have trouble rotating their mattress should consider mattresses that come with handles, since they make this easier! Some mattresses even come with removable covers, which makes keeping them clean easier.

There are even organic mattresses available, which can be a big selling point for those who want to reduce the chemicals in their life. People with allergies, especially to latex or dust, will find mattresses marketed as hypoallergenic a good place to start! Another great mattress feature is a low-profile box spring. This is amazing for people who have trouble getting in and out of bed, since they keep the mattress lower to the ground.

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