Results for "Teeth Whitening"

How To Whiten Your Teeth At Home

Everyone wants to have a white smile! White teeth are confidence-boosting and always make a good impression when smiling at others. Of course, many people out there struggle with keeping their teeth white. Countless people turn to professional and at-home teeth whitening options to help. Of course, before trying to whiten your teeth at home, it’s important to understand what causes them to yellow in the first place! Worn out enamel exposes dentin, which is usually a pale brown. Enamel wearing down is common as people age, but it also occurs for many other reasons. These reasons, and thus why teeth yellow, include drinking lots of coffee, tea, and dark sodas, as well as eating lots of acidic and processed food, and even taking certain antibiotics.

The great news is there’s a teeth whitening system out there for everyone to achieve really white teeth! There are several options for teeth whitening toothpaste, so people have their pick. Teeth whitening strips also help, and some are even included in ways to whiten teeth overnight! For the best teeth whitening results at home, look no further!


Use At-Home Whitening Systems And Products

When it comes to whitening your teeth at home, be sure to check out at-home whitening systems and products. These products are specifically designed to remove unfortunate yellow and brown stains from drinking lots of coffee and tea. Many of them will also repair the enamel. One of the first at-home whitening products to try is whitening toothpaste. While many kinds of toothpaste do keep the teeth clean and strong, some have added ingredients that make them particularly powerful at whitening the teeth. There are also countless mouth rinses out there to follow the whitening toothpaste with for an added boost to whitening.

If you’re looking for an even more powerful option for an at-home teeth whitening system, take a look at strips for teeth whitening. These strips are simply placed on the teeth. Since they sit on the teeth and are not rinsed like toothpaste and mouthwash, they are quite a bit faster at whitening teeth. Some people even start to see results overnight!

Brush Teeth With Baking Soda

Everyone has baking soda in their kitchen. It’s used in many recipes, acts as a natural deodorizer, and can even be used with other products for natural cleaning and stain removal. It is also a common ingredient found in whitening toothpaste! This makes it perfect to use for whitening teeth at home. It’s mildly abrasive, which allows baking soda to remove stains on the surface of enamel without damaging it. It also prevents bacteria from building up!

If you want to use baking soda to whiten your teeth, mix a little bit of baking soda with water until it forms a paste. Put this paste on your toothbrush and gently brush your teeth for 2 minutes. Start by using baking soda to whiten your teeth twice or three times a week. Use regular toothpaste on the other days! The time it takes to see results will vary based on the level of staining you have.


Use Hydrogen Peroxide As A Mouthwash

Mouthwashes are designed to keep the breath fresh and bacteria at bay. Some commercial varieties even help with whitening teeth! Those looking for a simple home remedy for whitening their teeth should consider using hydrogen peroxide. This will act as an antibacterial and get rid of germs in the mouth. It has also shown promise at whitening teeth fairly quickly!

Of course, safe usage is crucial. Start with a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide and add roughly half a cup of water. Swish this mixture around your mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then spit it out. Never swallow it! Rinse your mouth with plain water after. Repeat this process a few times a week to effectively whiten your teeth at home without experiencing irritation.

Try Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal has risen dramatically as an easy at-home teeth whitening method. Charcoal is quite porous, which means it's full of holes. This allows it to absorb bacteria and other tiny particles before they stain the teeth! Amazing, right?

If you want to try using activated charcoal to whiten your teeth at home, mix 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal with enough water to form a paste. Brush your teeth with this paste. Remember to pay close attention to the stained parts of your teeth! Brush for 2 minutes before washing your mouth out until all of the activated charcoal is gone. Brush with activated charcoal 2 to 3 times a week to whiten your teeth. A bright smile awaits!


Swish With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains fatty acids, which break down into enzymes when they encounter saliva. These enzymes are quite effective at whitening teeth! The oil and saliva create a molecule that binds to the plaque and yellow stains on the teeth. It breaks these impurities down, leaving white teeth behind! If you want to use coconut oil to whiten your teeth, swish coconut oil around your mouth for roughly 20 minutes and spit it out. You can also add a little coconut oil to your toothbrush and brush as you would normally. This can be repeated several times a week. In addition to whitening the teeth, many say coconut oil also protects against gingivitis. Awesome!

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