General Election May Turn on Mandatory Medicare for All
For Release: Cary, NC October 21Â -- A new nationwide survey from HealthPrep Data Services reveals that a strong majority of Americans do not prefer a mandatory Medicare for All policy, instead opting for either a Medicare for All option or no new federal program at all.
The survey, conducted on 1500 voting-age Americans found thatÂan overwhelming majority of Americans would prefer a Medicare for All "Option" or no change to the current healthcare system at all compared to a mandatory Medicare for All option.
In a rather stunning disparity, the optional Medicare for All policies like candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg's "Medicare for All Who Want It" are preferred more than 2:1 over the mandatory programs presented by front-runners Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders.
The study comes on the heals of the latest Democratic debate in which candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg pressed Senator Warren on her plan which would end private insurance and place all Americans on a single-payer, Medicare for All plan.