What Causes Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis?
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is considered the most common adolescent hip disorder. Skeletal immaturity is evident in radiographic imaging by the presence of a growth plate, or physis. The physis is the active area of skeletally immature bones which allows length to be added to that bone. In the case of the femur, thigh bone, physis, or epiphysial plate, is situated squarely on the neck of the femur. A fracture or crack along the femur physis allows it to slip or move, no longer lining up with the femur neck. This is known as slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Typically occurring in teens and preteens who are still growing, it is not common among younger children. Unlike the word fracture suggests, SCFE is typically a condition that develops gradually, causing pain, stiffness, and instability. It is rarely associated with trauma.