Symptoms Of Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome
Our immune systems are designed to protect us from disease and infection. We all house an army of extraordinarily complex and sensitive white blood cells, all equipped with chemically coded instructions for exactly how and when to launch an assault on a microscopic invader. Though powerful, the immune system is not always perfect, and sometimes can be misled to mistake a person’s healthy tissues for the enemy, resulting in an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome (APS), a rare disorder brought on by a faulty regulatory gene, occurs when the immune system directs its actions toward the bodily glands that produce essential hormones and biochemicals. Our endocrine system plays a critical role in regulating all other bodily functions. Disruptions in endocrine function result in a host of disabling symptoms that can affect the heart, kidneys, intestinal tract, and other systems.