Learn About The Symptoms Of Sepsis

Sepsis is severe, ladies, and often fatal! This condition happens because of your immune system kicking into overdrive due to infection. It wants to fight back! However, sepsis means there's an imbalance happening with the foreign toxins and your immune system chemicals. Be ready for your blood pressure to drop! Widespread inflammation also happens, triggering organ failure. Ladies, you're most at risk when you're pregnant, have a compromised immune system, or are a senior.

Fast sepsis treatment is vital! Expect intravenous fluids for sepsis first, ladies. Antibiotics for sepsis come into play after that! Other sepsis meds, like vasopressors, are used when these don't help as much as they need to. Sepsis surgery is also a major treatment method! That said, ladies, your treatment for sepsis varies. The severity matters, as does how you respond to the first treatments. However, your symptoms play a role in treating sepsis too!


Breathing Fast

You're going to start breathing fast because of sepsis. It really starts when your condition gets worse! Severe sepsis often means septic shock. Ladies, septic shock often triggers another condition called acute respiratory distress syndrome. That one makes it nearly impossible for you to breathe at all! Breathing fast is a serious symptom of sepsis, ladies. You need to get treatment for it as soon as you possibly can! When it's sepsis, you need the hospital. You'll likely be in the ICU, as it prevents serious complications from taking over. It'll prevent lung collapse because of the lack of oxygen!

High Heart Rate

Ladies, when you have sepsis, you'll have a high heart rate! Your immune system is in overdrive. It's responding to an infection! Most of the time, it'll reach 90 beats per minute! However, as sepsis spread, your heart's going to work harder. It has to do it because blood flow to other organs isn't working the way it has to! A high heart rate means your risk of organ failure is also up there. Heart failure is the biggest, but other vital organs are at risk, such as your kidneys! Heart failure gets more likely the longer sepsis makes your heart rate faster.


High Fever Or Low Body Temperature

Sepsis also causes a high fever or low body temperature, ladies! Both are ways your immune system responds to infection. The fever is sweating out the infection. These symptoms appear after other ones. In fact, these signs occur because of other symptoms, like breathing fast and your fast heart rate. Both a high fever and low body temperature cause serious issues, especially when sepsis is what caused them. They make your condition worse, and they do it fast! Ladies, a high fever or low temperature both trigger septic shock often. These issues also mean blood flow problems. Your organs won't be getting enough blood! You'll also see blood vessel damage because of these symptoms, ladies.

Extreme Weakness

Be ready for extreme weakness when you have sepsis. Ladies, this one is because of your weakening organs! You'll deal with mitochondrion failure in this condition too. That's part of your body with some control over your energy levels! When it can't work right, it will mean weaker muscles, ladies. This starts the progression to extreme weakness! Issues in your peripheral nervous system also trigger extreme weakness throughout your whole body. Ladies, these issues include nerve damage! This weakness also appears when you have post-sepsis syndrome. It happens thanks to structural issues in your muscles. Those issues mean muscle wasting and, yes, weakness!


Changes In Mental Status

Changes in your mental status are common with sepsis. Ladies, it's because of your compromised organs! The most common ones you'll notice are disorientation and confusion. These are even more common when you're older! Other major mental shifts are anxiety and agitation. And ladies, memory loss and personality changes also appear a lot because of sepsis. They will last for quite some time too! Sepsis treatment even makes these changes happen. Ladies, don't be surprised when you see depression, PTSD, and similar problems with your mental health come up! Treatment for this condition is very intense. It takes a lot out of you!