Get To Know The Symptoms Of Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a harmless skin condition. This is good, since it's so common, ladies! It'll mean you will have bumps on your skin, likely on patches of dry skin! It starts with keratin building up and plugging hair follicles. This is a protein that protects your skin, so it's harmless! Unfortunately, research hasn't shown why it builds on some individuals.

Ladies, you'll have lots of success with keratosis pilaris treatments! Start with the best skincare for keratosis pilaris. You'll want gentle products. Medicated creams, including retinol cream for keratosis pilaris, also help! KP laser treatment is a big option here too. And don't forget to embrace natural remedies for keratosis pilaris!


Rough And Dry Skin

Get ready for rough and dry skin! Ladies, remember. Bumps will often be on these patches of dry skin! This is why your skin will feel like sandpaper! This happens because keratin is building up too much on your skin. The good news? It's harmless. Just a little annoying to some!

Ladies, you will find relief from rough and dry skin with moisturizer. Use a rich moisturizer daily to help. Using it multiple times will help you even more! Get one with glycerin, petroleum jelly, or even lanolin. Moisturizers with these ingredients are very moisturizing. They'll keep moisture locked in your skin. No more dryness!

Skin Bumps

Ladies, you're going to see bumps on your skin if you have keratosis pilaris! Yes, this is the most iconic symptom. It's very unlikely to have this condition without the skin bumps! Without the skin bumps, it's actually just dry skin. Young kids get this the most, but ladies, adults can too! You'll likely only have this symptom until you're thirty years old. It stops after that!

These bumps are tiny and painless too. They're not serious! You'll spot them on your upper arms and thighs. The bumps also appear on your cheeks and butt! Ladies, they'll feel a bit like sandpaper. Clusters of them are common. Guess what? They'll actually look like goosebumps on your dry skin!


Skin Flares In Dry And Cold Climates

Your skin is more sensitive if you have keratosis pilaris! It's especially sensitive to dry and cold air. The result? You'll deal with skin flares in dry and cold climates! More bumps are going to appear on your skin. Your skin will get even drier than it was before too! The dry skin patches on your body are going to get bigger and spread when it's cold out. Skin irritation is more likely to occur in dry and cold climates too. Avoiding skin flares is easy. Use a humidifier to get moisture back into the air in your home! Ladies, you can heat your home too. Some humidifiers do both!

Itchy Skin

You're not likely to have itchy skin with keratosis pilaris. It's a very rare symptom! However, your skin is quite sensitive when you have this condition. So what does this mean? Ladies, you will have allergic reactions more than others. So if an irritating substance touches your skin? You'll deal with itchiness! This effect is more noticeable when you have dry skin and keratosis pilaris. Flaking and peeling are likely when these two combine!

Thankfully, you have easy remedies at your fingertips. Avoid products with harsh ingredients! Choose gentle ones. If a doctor prescribes you something? Use it how they tell you to! Dermatologists can give product recommendations too. You'll get relief in no time!


Redness And Inflammation

Yes, you can have redness and inflammation with this condition. The good news? They're rare symptoms! Like itchy skin, though, they'll appear because your skin is more sensitive if you have keratosis pilaris. Ladies, you're simply more likely to react to products, materials, and substances than others. You'll see dry and flaking skin too. Ladies, go see a doctor if you're dealing with skin redness and inflammation with this condition. They will be able to treat you! Dermatologists can give you the creams you need to calm your skin down. They'll also help you figure out what irritated your skin in the first place!