Get To Know The Most Common Genetic Conditions

Genetic conditions are common. They're any disorder that comes from DNA abnormalities. Ladies, millions of you live with one! Unfortunately, some of them are fatal. Many of them are inherited, though there are other causes too, like environmental factors. Sadly, some causes are unknown. Some symptoms of genetic conditions don't appear until you're well into adulthood, even if you had the condition when you were born.

Ladies, you need treatment for these conditions! You will get hormone therapy for Turner syndrome most of the time, and lung transplants are common as a cystic fibrosis treatment! Another big one is thyroid medication for Down syndrome. Of course, your treatment varies based on your condition. That's why you need to know the common genetic disorders first!


Down Syndrome

Down syndrome's the most common genetic condition! Ladies, you get chromosomes from your parents. Normally, they come in pairs. That said, this condition means you get a third copy of chromosome 21. That's the trigger! This happens by chance most of the time. Research says parents don't have the same genetic defect that often. Down syndrome symptoms include thyroid issues, heart defects, speech problems, and an iconic physical appearance. Ladies, this condition often means some intellectual issues too, like a lower IQ, slow learning, and a short attention span. Communication is often harder with this condition as well!

Facial abnormalities are always around with this condition. Ladies, they include a different skull shape and size. Down syndrome also means an iconic difference in the eyes! You will notice the physical signs from birth with this one. However, the intellectual ones don't develop until later. Ladies, this syndrome also means a higher risk of health issues. Examples are low bone mass, dementia, and obesity!

Turner Syndrome

Turner syndrome's the one that only affects you, ladies! It's down to the chromosome it affects: the X chromosome. This is one of the ones that help determine gender! You get two of these. However, with Turner syndrome, the second one is compromised before birth! Ladies, it will either be deformed or missing. Turner syndrome isn't inherited that often. When you have it, symptoms don't always appear either. However, symptoms do often include physical abnormalities!

The most common physical sign is a webbed neck. Two others are short height and low-set ears! Ladies, expect heart defects and ovarian failure with this condition too. The second one means it's hard for you to have kids when you have this syndrome. Most of the time, you won't be able to. Some tasks are harder as well, like staying motivated, focusing, and self-management.


Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis's a severe genetic disorder. Ladies, this one is often fatal, unfortunately. It affects many of your organs! Cystic fibrosis comes from a mutation in your CFTR gene. This affects a protein that should be regulating fluids in your body. The result is your body making too much mucus, sweat, saliva, and other fluids! You will deal with serious breathing issues when the mucus builds in your lungs. Other warning signs are sinus problems and abnormal growth! Ladies, impaired development happens in some body parts too.

Of course, this condition triggers some secondary health issues. One example is kidney failure! It happens because of dehydration from excessive sweating. Ladies, when you have cystic fibrosis, you will be at a higher risk of other conditions too. Examples are diabetes and bone disorders! Sadly, ladies, your mortality rate is higher with this condition than it is for men. The reason for this isn't clear!

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is the genetic condition that causes the most deaths. Ladies, it's also the most common form of dementia! Most of the time, it's inherited and comes from mutations in 1 of 3 genes. However, other causes exist for Alzheimer's disease. They include brain trauma and environmental factors. Ladies, this disease usually starts between 30 to 60 years old. However, it can still happen at other ages!

The first warning sign is, of course, memory problems! This gets worse as your condition progresses. Ladies, expect other symptoms as your brain degenerates too, like issues with speech, movement, and other cognitive processes. Sadly, this condition has a high mortality rate. Much of this is due to complications, like pressure sores and aspiration pneumonia. The sores are the result of staying in bed for too long. They trigger infections like sepsis! The second comes when you have trouble swallowing and inhale your food instead. It causes pneumonia in your lungs.


Huntington's Disease

Huntington's disease comes from a gene mutation in the huntingtin gene! This neurodegenerative disorder, ladies, triggers issues with a protein you need for proper development. Symptoms vary a lot in Huntington's, including in their severity. Personality and mood changes are common. They start when you're young, though they're mild at first. Cognitive impairments often set in over time too. They include things like memory lapses, learning issues, and concentration problems!

Expect to experience chorea as well. These are involuntary movements! Dystonia, another late symptom in this disorder, refers to uncontrollable muscle spasms! Severe cases of this condition often result in dementia. The good news, though, is that Huntington's disease doesn't include issues with your speech or language skills.