Tried And True Methods To Motivate Yourself To Workout

Working out requires motivation that many of us struggle with. If you have set your alarm clock early and even put out your workout clothes but still cannot seem to muster up the strength to get out of bed, let one of these methods be your saving grace. Whether you want great looking legs or to finish your first race, here are some tried and true methods for getting your fitness level where you want it to be.

Register For A Race


Spending money on a race is a great way to get off the couch and into training. You will feel like you are already invested before you even get started. Preregister for a race a few months in advance and look online or seek professional advice for a running plan to get you to your goal. Commit to at least three days of running per week and practice getting out the door first thing in the morning to prepare for the early morning start time of the race you signed up for.

Grab A Workout Partner


Friends are good at holding you accountable for working out, especially if you pick a partner who is more motivated than you! Plan on meeting your friend at a specific time and date and you will be less likely to stand them up knowing they are counting on you. Take it a step further and post your goals on social media to hold you accountable. Then you will have to answer to all your friends and family when they ask how your workout routine is going.

Use A Fun App


Search your Smartphone for a list of free apps to help motivate you to exercise. Some can even track your heart rate and calories burned. Others may offer nutritional advice or be able to provide you with a meal plan. Use your app to track your fitness gains as well as your nutritional intake. Some apps will even map your running route so you can see what it looks like from a bird’s eye view.

For some awesome free apps, check out Must-Try Health And Fitness Apps You Can Download For Free.

Do It For The Bling


Most races hand out medals at the end of their events and some get pretty carried away. For bragging rights and motivational goals, seek out races that you would be willing to go the extra mile for the post-race medal or special acknowledgment. Display them at home on a rack on the wall and let that be your motivation to get out there and earn some more! You can also collect some pretty neat race shirts in the process.

Track Your Progress And Write Down Goals


If an app is not your thing, purchase a fitness planner and track your progress and goals by hand. Writing out your goals and gains might be a more satisfying and private way for you to get on paper what is most meaningful to you about your fitness objectives. If your goal is to fit into a pair of jeans, mark down a realistic day you want your jeans to fit by and use every other calendar day to report your progress.

Do It For The Legs


Exercise is good for every part of your body’s mental and physical health. But sometimes looking great in a new skirt and pair of heels is the motivation needed to get moving on those health benefits. Running, squats and lunges are all great exercises for giving you lean and toned legs. When you feel like quitting and returning to your couch for a television marathon, think about how great your legs will look if you do not give up!

Invest In Comfortable Workout Gear


Working out in clothes that are too small or made of the wrong material is a drag. To help make sure you stick to your workout routine this time, invest in some good quality moisture wicking clothing in the proper size. Visit an athletic store and chat with a sales representative who can help you pick out the right workout gear for you. This includes proper fitting shoes and moisture wicking socks too!

Make A Tasty Post-Workout Shake


If your love of food is the reason you feel like you need to exercise in the first place, use that motivation to your advantage! The best time to eat is thirty minutes after your workout. Make a tasty post-workout chocolate peanut butter protein shake to use as motivation to make it through your entire workout. Blend together a banana, one cup of almond milk, two tablespoons of peanut butter, and a scoop of chocolate protein powder.

Leave Yourself Motivational Reminders


No one knows you quite like you know yourself; therefore, no one knows how to motivate you quite like you do! If you are more likely to nail a workout after being inspired, leave yourself notes of motivational quotes or even just reminders to get out there and do it. Write down how many more pounds you have to go until you hit your goal and post the number where you can see it right before you head out the door.

Only Wash Your Hair On Days You Workout


There is nothing like risking the humiliation of a bad hair day to motivate you to get your workout in! Tell yourself that you will only wash your day on days you workout and hold yourself to it. Instead of rewarding yourself with food after a workout, reward yourself with great hair! You will likely feel better about yourself on days you workout and wash your shower, which will motivate you to keep it going!