Ways To Treat Irritable Hip

Before diving into ways to treaty irritable hip syndrome, also known as acute transient synovitis, it is important to understand precisely what it is. Irritable hip can be described as tissue inflammation or swelling around the hip. The discomfort usually only takes place in one out of the two hips. The reason it is called transient is because this condition usually only lasts for a short period. This pain in the hip is usually the most common cause of pain in the hips of young children. Some tidbits to remember about irritable hip syndrome is it affects nearly every three out of ten children and has always been more common in little boys than in little girls. In case you were wondering what irritable hip syndrome symptoms look like in children, be on the lookout for a child having difficulties standing up after sitting for an extended period, limping when they walk, problems with crawling, and feeling the constant need to lay down on their backs with their hurt side extended away from their body. Now that we know exactly irritable hip syndrome is and what some of the significant symptoms are, we can take a closer look at some of the recommended treatments.

Implement A Rest Period


While it may seem simple enough, one of the most important treatment methods for irritable hip is to implement a rest period. It is always important to get the proper amount of rest, but it is critical for a child with irritable hip to get even more than the normal amount. Like previously mentioned, the child should spend their resting time lying on their back with their affected side having the knee bent and turned away from their bodies. Irritable hip will more often than not start to subside within three days of sufficient rest and should be completely resolved within the first two weeks. However, in severe cases, irritable hip can last anywhere from between four to five weeks. Normally, children do not need to spend any of their resting time in the hospital.

Learn more about treating irritable hip effectively now.

Pain Relief Medication

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While rest may take care of most of the problem, taking pain relief medication can speed up the recovery process. Many parents will give ibuprofen to their child if they are suffering from irritable hip syndrome. This medication will not only help relieve pain, but also reduce swelling inside the hip area. No matter how much pain your child is in, it is important to follow the protocols for taking any medication. Always look at the directions on the bottle, and consult a doctor before making any adjustments. Parents can also try giving their child paracetamol to help reduce pain and suffering. Antibiotics are never given for irritable hip syndrome because it is not a bacterial infection.

Continue to discover more options for treating irritable hip now.

Reduce Exercise During Recovery


While it may only take a child anywhere from three days to two weeks to get over irritable hip syndrome, doctors still advise parents to make sure their kids take it easy over the next month, including reducing exercise during recovery periods. This includes not allowing the child to participate in sports or strenuous activity. Doing so will help ensure irritable hip syndrome will not come back a second time quickly. While is it recommended that the child does not participate in sports or heavy activity, swimming is an activity that won't cause stress to the hip's recovery. On the contrary, the motions that go along with swimming will allow the joints around the hip to loosen up in a positive manner.

Uncover another irritable hip treatment method now.

Traction During Bed Rest

About Kids Health

Something else parents might try to help their child suffering from irritable hip syndrome is to perform traction during bed rest. In case you do not know what exactly traction is, the technical definition of this process is the use of bandages and weights to reduce pain by resting the hip. In more detail, a pulley can be attached to the leg of the hip in question and be used to stretch it out properly to alleviate tension within the hip. Releasing built up stress will go to great lengths to help heal the overall condition of the hip.

Get the details on the next option for treating irritable hip now.

Massaging The Hip

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Without a doubt, massages always feel good to stressed out bodies. The same can be said for a child suffering from irritable hip syndrome. Massaging the affected area will help alleviate the pain. It can also help to apply a heated pad to the hip in pain to gradually reduce pain.

Along with massages, there are physical therapy techniques that can be applied to increase the amount of blood flowing through the hip and the surrounding area. Massaging the hip is a surefire way to make sure a soothing feeling is gained back in the affected area. Don't let the pain of irritable hip syndrome last any longer than necessary.