Guide To The Types Of Chorea
Chorea is a movement disorder characterized by unpredictable, involuntary body movements due to the overactivity of a neurotransmitter known as dopamine in the parts of the brain responsible for movement. This abnormality is often associated with another underlying issue, like immune system conditions, genetic conditions, AIDS, infection-related conditions, endocrine disorders, and pregnancy. Symptoms of chorea can be specific to what is causing it and may include the inability to move the hands properly, involuntary sticking out of the tongue, shoulder shrugs, pelvic thrusts, teeth grinding, seizures, muscle weakness, sensation loss, abnormal gait, and slurred speech. Diagnosis of chorea is made through a physical examination, blood testing, and MRI scans of the brain and body. Treatment of chorea varies depending on its underlying cause and may include medications, surgery, and home care.