Symptom Guide To Intussusception
Intussusception is a severe condition where a portion of the intestine slides into another area of the intestine, which is a movement referred to as telescoping. When intussusception occurs, the issue will cause any passage of fluid or food through the area to become blocked. Blood supply will also be cut off to the area of the intestine affected by this condition. Larger blockages can lead to additional complications like the death of certain bowel tissue, an infection, and tearing in the bowel. Intussusception is commonly seen in children younger than three years old. The overall cause of this condition is still unknown as it pertains to children who develop it. If the condition affects an adult, it usually occurs because of some type of underlying health condition, which could be a tumor. For younger children, this issue can be corrected through a simple x-ray procedure. When an adult suffers from intussusception, surgery is oftentimes necessary. In order to obtain the right treatment, it's important to be on the lookout for symptoms.