How To Spot Sesamoiditis
Sesamoiditis is a particularly painful foot condition that involves inflammation of the tendons around the sesamoid bones. Unlike most bones, the sesamoid bones are not connected to other bones but are instead connected to tendons or embedded deep within muscle tissue. The largest sesamoid is the kneecap, and there are two other sesamoids located on the bottom of the forefoot (ball of the foot) at the base of the big toe. These sesamoids are each estimated to be the size of a corn kernel, and one is on the outside of the foot. The other is located towards the middle of the foot. Since it is caused by inflammation of the tendons around the sesamoids, sesamoiditis is classified as a form of tendonitis. Like many cases of tendonitis, this condition is especially common in runners, joggers, ballet dancers, and baseball players, all of whom place great strain on their feet. The following are symptoms of sesamoiditis.