Guide To The Cause And Treatment Of Ollier Disease
Ollier disease is a disorder of the skeleton where multiple enchondromas or benign cartilage growths form within an individual's bones. These growths cause numerous medical problems including deformities of the skeletal system, bone fractures, and limb discrepancy. The most common area for the enchondromas to develop is in an individual's hands and feet. These growths happen at the ends of the bones where an individual's bone growth takes place. Ollier disease usually manifests through multiple symptoms within the first ten years of an individual's life. The formation of the cartilage enchondromas in patients affected by Ollier disease typically stops when they reach full skeletal maturation. Ollier disease is diagnosed with the use of multiple medical diagnostic imaging tests including X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. There is no cure for Ollier disease, so treatment focuses on the management of its symptoms and complications.