Get To Know The Foods That Ease You Through Cancer Treatment

Cancer is a tough condition! Ladies, it's the result of damaged cells and other mutations. The type you have is named for where it started since cancer occurs in many parts of the body. This includes the breasts, kidneys, ovaries, and skin! Thankfully, many women get diagnosed early. This is great, since early diagnosis helps make treatment much more effective!

Yes, early cancer treatment is quite effective and provides the best shot at recovery! Common treatments for cancer include radiation, immunotherapy, and, of course, chemotherapy for cancer. Some ladies choose experimental cancer treatment as well. Even natural remedies for cancer provide support for traditional methods! This includes acupuncture for cancer. Ladies, you'll also want to follow a healthy cancer diet to help get rid of the side effects of your treatments.


Eat Eggs

Ladies, you need strength to get through your cancer treatments! This is where eggs are great! They have lots of vitamin B, protein, and choline! The protein's going to rebuild your cells after surgery for cancer! It'll even boost your energy and fight infections! Choline helps your metabolism quite a lot, and vitamin B will keep your immune system running well. You'll even benefit from the antioxidants in eggs. And guess what? Eggs are very easy to digest, so they won't stress out your stomach. That means it'll help with nausea! And ladies? The soft texture of scrambled eggs makes them great when your cancer has made you have swallowing problems.

Eat Bananas

Ladies, cancer treatment causes many side effects. The most common are appetite loss and nausea! They happen a lot, especially with chemotherapy. Neither one is pleasant, and they make it hard for you to get the right nutrition! Good nutrition is important for keeping your immune system strong and recovering from your treatments. There's amazing news, though! ladies, you need to eat bananas during cancer treatment! Bananas are very easy for you to digest and swallow. It's because they're soft! They're also soothing and do more than avoid triggering nausea. Bananas also get rid of nausea!

You'll even get lots of nutrients in bananas. Ladies, they have pectin in them! This is an amazing type of fiber. It makes diarrhea go away, which is another common side effect of many treatments for cancer! Bananas are high in potassium too. This is going to help replace the electrolytes you lose because of vomiting. Yes, this is another common cancer treatment side effect!


Eat White Bread And Rice

White bread and rice are great for helping you through cancer treatment. Remember that many treatments trigger nausea! This makes many women not want to eat at all. However, you should still eat! When it's tough, eat white bread and rice! These are refined grains, and your body will digest them quite easily. They even have lots of fiber, which will make other side effects disappear. This includes diarrhea and constipation!

Whole grains are healthier on paper, but they are harder to digest. Thus, when cancer treatment side effects spring up, ladies, refined grains like white bread and rice are still amazing choices! Your only job is to eat these foods to ease your side effects! Of course, refined grains have benefits too, like the energy from carbs. That's going to keep you energized throughout your treatment!

Eat Applesauce

Applesauce is yet another great food to eat to get through cancer treatment, ladies. It's going to really help stop your vomiting and nausea! Applesauce is actually one of the best foods for this! Once these side effects are gone, you'll be able to eat many other foods and get your energy back. Applesauce is very smooth and light, which is what makes it easy to digest. It even has lots of fiber, so you won't deal with diarrhea or constipation for long after eating some! Cooking apples into applesauce gets rid of germs and possible toxins. This makes the sauce the best thing for chemotherapy!


Drink Clear Fluids

Drink lots of clear fluids while you're getting treatment for cancer. Ladies, you'll lose lots of fluids. This is thanks to nausea and vomiting. Replacing them is key here! Clear fluids give you what you need and keep you hydrated. They even help you deal with appetite loss! Many clear fluids, including clear soup broth, get rid of nausea too. That's going to help you get ready to eat real food! Other great clear fluids you'll need are tea, water, and fruit juice. Even some sports drinks with electrolytes will work in a pinch!

Of course, you'll want more than these clear fluids sometimes. Ladies, take advantage of full liquids! They're very similar to clear fluids, but they contain more nutrients. This helps ease you back into food. Full liquids like blended ice cream, milky drinks, and fruit juice with some nectar are great. They're very easy on your stomach too!

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