Lifestyle Tips For Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune condition that affects the central nervous system. The brain and spinal cord are the primary parts involved in this condition. In MS, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, which is what protects nerves. When this is damaged, the nerves cannot communicate with the brain and the rest of the body.

Symptoms of MS include slurred speech, stuttering, vision problems, difficulty walking, tremors, and numbness. Of course, there are many more! They vary based on what type of MS someone has, along with what nerves are affected. Women are most at risk of multiple sclerosis.

Treatment begins with a consultation with an MS specialist. They can recommend therapies, medications, and other options that help reduce MS attack symptom severity and their frequency. There are also lifestyle changes and advice recommended for women with multiple sclerosis to keep their body working as well as possible.


Go To Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an amazing natural treatment to help reduce the severity of multiple sclerosis symptoms. Specifically, it benefits pain, muscle spasticity, and even numbness and tingling. Women who want to use acupuncture to help with MS should talk to an MS specialist who can recommend the appropriate acupuncturist. There are even those who specialize in acupuncture for autoimmune conditions like MS!

Regular acupuncture sessions are the best bet for achieving lasting relief from MS symptoms. Developing an appropriate schedule must be done on an individual basis. Additionally, women going for acupuncture must talk about the medications they take as well, in case any will interfere with their treatment.

Consume Cranberry Supplements And Juice

Women with multiple sclerosis experience frequent urinary tract infections. Knowing this, it’s important to take precautions to prevent UTIs from occurring as much as possible. No one wants to deal with a UTI on top of MS! Cranberry has long been known as a great way to deal with UTIs. They help treat existing ones, but their true power lies in preventing them from occurring in the first place!

Women can get the benefits of cranberry from pure cranberry juice as well as cranberry supplements. When it comes to cranberry supplements, women should look for one that includes a probiotic designed for the urinary tract. This will help balance the bacteria there!


Increase Vitamin D And Calcium Intake

Many women with multiple sclerosis end up developing osteoporosis, especially those who have gone through menopause. These women are already at an increased risk of osteoporosis, so adding MS into the equation increases it even more! Thus, women with multiple sclerosis are encouraged to get more vitamin D and calcium in their diet. This helps increase bone density and maintains bone strength.

Vitamin D, of course, is hard to get through diet. Sources to start with are fatty fish and egg yolks. This is why taking vitamin D supplements is recommended! There are often combination vitamin D and calcium supplements, though they can be taken separately.

Keep Body Temperature Cool

The symptoms of MS are more severe when the woman is overheated. This is why the woman’s body temperature must be kept cool as much as possible to reduce the pain and muscle symptoms. It helps keep the hands steady! Experts recommend specialized cooling vests for women with MS to wear. This is not the only option though!

Air conditioning in the summer is very important! Wearing light clothing helps as well, as does drinking cool beverages. Even plugging in a wall fan can help. Swimming in cool water and taking a cool bath are also options! Women with MS who keep their body temperature cool find walking is easier and their minds are clearer.


Practice Stress Relief

Many symptoms of multiple sclerosis get worse when a woman is stressed. Her hands will shake more, her voice will be affected, and it will often be much harder to walk. Stress relief won’t slow down the progression of the condition or cure it, but it will make a big difference in the day-to-day management of symptoms. Women with MS should practice stress relief regularly. Meditation and deep breathing are good places to start.

Low-impact exercises can also be incredibly beneficial. What’s more, exercises like yoga and Pilates can help with muscle symptoms even more than simple stress relief. This is because they boost muscle strength and improve flexibility for anyone who practices them.

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